Hello Readers,
First off I would like to inform you that this message is not Football related.
This is to inform you about Red Eye host Greg Gutfeld who trashed Canada and it's Military. Him and a group of equally rude Ass Holes (Excuse My language) took turns mocking the Canadian Military and the brave people who gave their lives.
To mock ANY country is completely unacceptable. This man calls himself a comedian But I speak for every Canadian when I say he's NOT FUNNY.
Greg Gutfeld Himself said;
"Isn't this the perfect time to invade this ridiculous country?" he said. "They have no army."
A Panelist Doug Benson said he didn't even know Canadian troops were in Afghanistan.
After 116 soldiers died he said this. He had the nerve to Mock 116 families who had lost part of their family.
Even if this was true it would be unacceptable but it wasn't. He did know they were in Afghanistan.
The footage of this absolute fool is above. Post a comment expresing your disgust towards this so called comedian. If not I don't even know why you're reading this
To mock any Country is unacceptable.